And here's the end result! I realized I had the pot a little too high because unforunately I drilled the root holes a little too high. It looked better higher out of the ground but to give the plant as much room for root growth as possible I decided to lower it
When I took the pot out, it was obvious from the night's rain that my drain tray idea worked to pool the water. Now I wondering if maybe it will result in stagnant water but hopefully once the roots start growing out of the bottom of the pot then it will use the pooled water. Also, as I mentioned, it will be easy to remove the drain tray if I have to.
Here is the garden with it's new perennials. I've added two fountain grasses on the right in front of a tiger lily my friend gave me. The juncus spiralis in the middle. Two new day lilies on the left to accompany the one I already had (one came from my friend again). I've shown the before and after.
Here I added two small blue fescue to either side of the siberian irises (mid-left). To the far right by the wall is an ornamental grass again that my friend gave me. It isn't much right now but hopefully next year it will fill out nicely.
And finally, I removed the asiatic lilies that were awkwardly placed next to the irises and added them to the right side of the sedum (middle) to complement the ones on it's left side. You can't see them because of the oversized zinnias in the front (plants always seem to grow taller than the package says). I also added a wormwood in the right hand bottom corner to provide root shade for the clematis and as a complement to the white of the euonymous on the left hand corner. Another great thing about the city consultant visit was they were able to tell me the names of the perennials that were already growing in my garden. Otherwise I would have NO idea what a euonymous is, and don't even bother asking me how to pronounce it!