Monday, June 21, 2010

The Unsubject

Don’t really have anything in particular to blog about but thought I might because it’s been a few days. My hubby was away for week and came back this morning. Very happy about that although I must admit I had a good week without him. It was one of those weeks that my temperament was on an even keel. In other more pertinent words, I was slow to anger and abounding in love this week. Stailing came easier for me than other times. As I mentioned here, there are some days when I just can’t get a grip on my patience level at all and I am glad that even though I didn’t have my husband to rely on this week, I was able to keep it cool (mostly:). I swear it’s hormones, it drives me crazy!!! Literally, haha. I also believe that headaches I’m prone to suffer from are hormone triggered as well. Cross my fingers I’ve had a fewer headaches for about 6 months now.

Well, here’s a recap of my weekend (which have been crazy busy now that summer is here):

  • Thursday I cleaned the whole day and my son had a friend to visit.
  • Friday I went to my son’s field day trip to the beach, and then he had some of his friends over to have fun in the pool, and slip-n-side. We don’t have a real pool (boo) just a wading one. I don’t usually have friends to visit because well, the house is always too messy, but it’s getting summer soon and I wanted him to spend time with his school friends.
  • Saturday I had one of the craziest mornings I’ve had in months but in a nutshell, my big kids raced in the annual marathon (they did the 100m run, not the marathon :). Here’s an equation for ya, 1 parent + 3 children + 2 races = no fun. I even had a friend help and it was still craziness.
  • Sunday my hubby came home early enough for church in the morning and the two of us went out for supper sans kids to celebrate Father’s day and our 7th anniversary (which he missed last week because he went on a canoe trip/bachelor party, but I’m not bitter).

We’ve left our baby with a babysitter before but she’s always been in bed before we left so it was kinda nil. Today she napped for 20 minutes-ish on the way to and fro church so of course she wouldn’t go down for her real nap until probably 5:30pm. I thought she would sleep for an hour or so but she stayed down until we got home at 8:30pm, so she still hasn’t been left with a babysitter really. I’m sure she would be fine anyways, my kid’s are seriously some of the most easygoing kids you would ever come across. It’s true!!! She was puttering around here until just a while ago when she finally tuckered out.

So, I am still waiting to find my blog on google, yahoo etc. I’ve been doing all the tips I found to get the site listed although it can take a month or so I guess. There’s just one tip that I’ve shied away from: tell your friends. I don’t want to tell my friends I’ve started a blog. I don’t want them to know the real me!!! Isn’t that awful? Maybe someday. I just don’t know if I want all my friends to know my faults, my real opinions etc. Ahh well someday, someday.

Oh, one more thing, I posted here that I kinda made up the term stailing. Well I was wrong, there was already a definition on A rather dumb definition I might add but it was there just the same. I added my definition and it was accepted. You can read them both at this link. I’m out.

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