Friday, June 11, 2010

Why I’m a Stay-at-home Mom (for the most part)

First of all, very excited that Windows Live Writer is configured for Blogger because I write the blog exactly how it is seen on my site as opposed to Blogger which doesn’t and I ended up with huge formatting problems on my last post. Also, I can write offline and post later if I choose which is also great when I have no connection available and I’m dying to write something. Now to the subject of my post.

Have you ever made a decision about something and didn’t really formulate a reason why or forgot the reason why? This is what I did with my reasons for being a stay-at-home mom. I was asked just last week if I would ever go back to work full-time and my first thought was that I wouldn’t want to put my kids in daycare or to a babysitter. I didn’t say that out loud but I wondered why I felt that way. You may have noted on the “About Me” section to the right, I am also a part-time health care worker. I only work on average once a week, and sometimes, like this past week, I may work 3 shifts in a row and maybe work only once more for the rest of this month. I am blessed with the choice to work only when my husband is off so it means that at least one of us is home to care for the kids at all times. I like it that way and my husband told me yesterday that’s the way he likes it too (I always learn new things about him:).

Now then, to my reasons for staying at home. First of all, I was going to say that I can afford to but this is not entirely true. I work very hard at living on one income (mine goes entirely to debt and/or savings depending on our situation at the time). I budget constantly to keep from going into the negative in our bank account. I say this because I am sure that the number one reason that most moms go to work is because they believe they can’t afford not to. I’m trusting God to honor our decision to have children and bring us through financially, although it is hard at times.

I was listening to the news yesterday which was reporting the story about a man charged with molesting three girls from his wife’s daycare. Ah, what despairing drop in my spirit for those beautiful children. What a sigh of relief that my children were safe at home with their Daddy. As tears came in my eyes over and over again throughout the morning, I began to remember other stories of caregiver abuse. A women who sexually abused the children in the daycare she ran. Another woman who would make the little boy she babysat put his head in the corner of the couch for hours on end and if he moved she would spank him over and over.

These are the real reasons I am a stay-at-home mom.

Please don’t be offended by this. I know there are many mothers out there who would give anything to be at home with their children but can’t for good reason. Well, I can. As hard as it may be, I can afford it. I have a husband who is beyond supportive for me to do this. It’s my greatest goal and pleasure in life to raise my children on my own and as I see fit. I may not be the best at it, but I know when my 4-year old calls at work crying for me to come home that I’m wanted, needed and loved. With God’s grace and guidance I continue to do my best.

1 comment:

  1. i'm blessed too, to get to have the chance to stay home. always good to remember WHY - particularly on rough days! :)


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